Greater works !!!

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John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

A good teacher will give all his knowledge to his disciples. The more the students were smarter then the teachers will be pleased. But sometimes not all students become smarter. There is a poor student, and there is a good student. For a poor student so he must to struggle with the studied harder so that he can absorb knowledge from the teacher. And for smart student,he will continue to learn, but without a great struggle to be able to absorb knowledge from the teacher.

After completion the study of teacher, the students will do the practice. So there is a practically test. Practice that students did usually around the science he had learned. Suppose a medical student for public departments will conduct practice in the field of medicine for the general ddepartmen and not in the surgical department. Likewise, culinary students will practice in the field of culinary and not food production instead.

But Jesus is different. Jesus is our teacher gave us a promise that students will be able to do jobs is greater than Jesus ever did. Provided that trust. We believe that Jesus came from the Father in heaven. We believe that Jesus is able.

When we believe in Jesus indeed had become a disciple of Jesus. And as students we are given to do the jobs God had done. Even bigger!

One example is the apostle Peter. The Apostle Peter had healed the sick as a sick person touched his shadow. (Act 5:15). Jesus previously had never done .The apostle Peter was a disciple of Jesus and the Apostle Peter certainly has done a greater work than Jesus never did.

At the moment we often hear the evangelists make a worship attended by a thousands of people. And in worship there are so many people who are healed. Even just by putting hiss hand on the television or listening on the radio the name of Jesus alone and pray together, they become cured. That is a big job that God had done.I also believe that when you read this article then the Holy Spirit will be poured out in your life and you can do extraordinary work for God's name glorified.

So now it's time we increase our faith to believe in the Lord Jesus. Because there are many great jobs we have to do to glorify the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

God bless you


On March 28, 2010 at 6:45 AM , Andrea said...

urgent prayer request on arise 2 write.

On March 28, 2010 at 9:52 AM , Anonymous said...

Hello Anastasius

Thanks for the Palm Sunday Bible study.

God bless you and have a great day,


On March 30, 2010 at 8:15 AM , Jennifer Taylor said...

You have a beautiful blog!

God bless you!

On March 31, 2010 at 8:04 PM , Melissa Mashburn said...

It is interesting that you spoke about faith in this blog post. I have been having a bit of a struggle with mine and actually wrote about it today after I read another person's who seemed to be struggling even more with their faith. I enjoyed reading what you wrote.